Approving Shifts

Approving Shifts

This page guides you through the process of approving a shift.


The Brevity Self-Service portal schedule board allows for a timesheet to be added against the shift. To complete a scheduled shift for a client through the Brevity Self-Service portal observe the following steps:

  1. Access the Brevity Self Service portal using your allocated login credentials.

  2. Click the Schedule Board Menu to open the Schedule Board.


  3. Navigate to the applicable date.

  4. Highlight the applicable shift


  5. Select the Add Entry icon located bottom right of browser page to open the save shift page.

  6. Within the comments field input particulars of any notes associated with the shift.


  7. Select the completed field.

  8. Within Actual Start time field input the time that the shift commenced.

  9. Update the shift with the applicable Consult, Admin or Travel time.

  10. Within the Client notes field input particulars of any notes associated with the shift

  11. Select the SAVE shift button to set the shift status to completed.


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