Adjusting Activity Status of HCP Service Types

Adjusting Activity Status of HCP Service Types

This page guides you through the process of adjusting the HCP Service Type activity status.


Exclusion of a deactivated service


To edit the activity status of a Service Type record observe the following steps:

  1. Search and select the record from the Service Type list that is to be replicated.

  2. Highlight and either click the EDIT button or double click to display the Service Type record.

  3. Select the Deactivate button to set the record to read-only. This action will remove the service type from the pricelist, and even though the service is not removed from the clients funding profile but it will be excluded from being assigned to client services.



  4. To activate the Service Type record select the Activate button.


  5. Once done, you can exit back to the Service Type List.

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