This page provides guidance on the maintenance of Pay Rate information against the employee profile and recalculation of Schedule Employee rate.
These are the topics on this page:
The registration of pay rates is an essential step when either establishing a new employee into Brevity or updating an existing employee with a revised hourly pay rate.
The pay rates field located on the employee record under the Pay Rates panel allows the organisation to maintain information related with the employees hourly rate of pay less penalty rates (which are managed automatically based upon the information held within the pricelist reflected within the pricelist field) and whether the employee is paid for travel either by time or distance, which is also subject to whether travel is set as payable on the client service. With respect to the rate listed within the hourly rate field, this information is reflected within the schedule employee rate to calculate the service total on the service schedule employee line.
Navigating the Employee Pay Rates field
Additional information
For additional on pay rate loading's please refer to the following topics Pay rate Loadings and Pricelists.
Payroll Report troubleshooting
When utilising the the payroll reports that are accessed from the Employees > Reports sub menu if you find that there are reconciliation errors it is recommended that you perform the following checks:
Is there a rate registered into the Hourly Rate field.
Is there a pricelist associated with the employee profile.
Has the pricelist associated with the employee record been correctly configured.
Recalc the Schedule Employee Rate
This process permits the service schedule employee rate on one or more service to be updated when there is a revision made to the employee’s base hourly rate. To perform a recalculation observe the following steps:
Update the hourly rate field with the employees revised base rate.
Click the
button to open Recalculate Service Schedules page.
Within the from Date field specify the commencement date of the schedules that will be covered by the base rate recalculation. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Within the To Date field specify the commencement date of the schedules that will be covered by the base rate recalculation. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Select the SAVE button to process the employee rate change. Brevity will alert you with the following message if the update to the employee rate was successful. The change will be reflected as a revision to the service total on the service schedule employee line.