This page provides an overview
of the
Funding Claim
Navigating the Funding Claim page
Funding Claim Reporting criteria
Accessed through the client > Funding Claim sub menu. This interface
Plan Managers who do not have an approved api registration to review monthly plan management fees collected through the Plan Management module and reported for payment
through to the NDIA;
Disability providers delivering direct services and core supports to agency funded participants to create and download a bulk payment file for upload through the myplace provider portal; and
Disability providers with an approved api registration delivering direct services and core supports
agency funded participants
Plan Management
For additional information on generating the client funding claim file for the reporting of you recurring monthly financial intermediary services fee (14_034_0127_8_3) refer to the topic Claim Monthly Processing Fees.
Navigating the Funding Claim List page
Navigating the Funding Claim page
Funding Claim Reporting criteria
Generating a Funding Claim
Editing a Funding Claim
Delete an Invoice
Delete Invoice detail
Downloading a claim file
Managing Rejected Claims
Managing the Payment Status
Uploading the Remittance
Printing an invoice
to create and electronically submit a bulk payment file through to the NDIA.
Plan Management claim submissionsNavigating the Funding ClaimFunding Claim CriteriaGenerating a Funding ClaimManaging the Funding ClaimManaging Rejected ClaimsFunding Claim Invoice DeletionFunding Claim fileRemittance FilePrint and Send Funding Claim InvoicesElectronic Processing of Core Services