This page provides an overview of the Funding Claim Batch.
Accessed through the client > Funding Claim sub menu. This interface has a two fold purpose of (1) enabling Plan Manager enables:
Plan Managers who do not have an approved api registration to review monthly plan management fees collected through the Plan Management module and reported for payment
through to the NDIA;
Disability providers delivering direct services and core supports to agency funded participants to create and download a bulk payment file for upload through the myplace provider portal; and
Disability providers with an approved api registration delivering direct services and core supports
agency funded participants
to create and electronically submit a bulk payment file through to the NDIA.
Plan Management claim submissionsNavigating the Funding ClaimFunding Claim CriteriaGenerating a Funding ClaimManaging the Funding ClaimManaging Rejected ClaimsFunding Claim Invoice DeletionFunding Claim fileRemittance FilePrint and Send Funding Claim InvoicesElectronic Processing of Core Services