This page guides you through the creation and the management of Staff Warning records.
These are the topics on this page
Editing a Staff Warning Record
Change the Activity Status
Deleting a Staff Warning Record
Miscellaneous record activities
Staff warning record Mail Merge
Staff warnings are managed through the employee profile. Selecting the Staff Warning tile located within the left menu panel will provide you with access to the Staff Warning record function.
Navigating the Staff Warning Page
Creating a Staff Warning record
To create a staff warning record observe the following steps:
Select the Employees>Employees sub-menu to open the User List page into the browser.
Search for the Employee record from within the User list.
Highlight the Employee record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Employee record to open it within the Employee page within the browser.
Click the Staff Warning tile located within the left menu bar, to open the staff warning list
Click the
button within the ribbon bar to open a blank staff warning page within the browser.
Within the Communicated By field update that default value listed to identify the employee name who communicated the warning to the staff member. Either input in free text the employee name or select the appropriate value from the drop down list. If the required value is not listed select the Advanced Search icon to access the full employee list.
Within the Date Communicated field specify the date that the staff warning was communicated to the employee. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Within the warning number field input a reference number.
Within the Issues of Concern field input a detailed narrative as to either the circumstances, event or reasons that are basis of the staff warning.
Within the Details of Discussion field input a detailed narrative of the discussion held between the management representative and the employee with regards to the staff warning.
Within the Next Review Date field specify the date that a review of staff warning and associated actions will be undertaken. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Within the Employer Required Actions field input a detailed narrative of the actions that are to be taken by the organisation in relation to the staff warning.
Within the Employee Required Actions field input a detailed narrative of the actions that are to be taken by the employee in relation to the staff warning.
Within the status field select the applicable status value from the drop down list.
Click the SAVE button to create the record.
Click the CLOSE button to exit back to the Staff Warning List.
Editing a Staff Warning record
To edit a staff warning record observe the following steps:
Observe the steps 1 - 5 outlined under the topic Select the Employees>Employees sub-menu to open the User List page into the browser.
Search for the Employee record from within the User list.
Highlight the Employee record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Employee record to open it within the Employee page within the browser.
Click the Staff Warning tile located within the left menu bar, to open the staff warning list
Click the
button within the ribbon bar to open a blank staff warning page within the browser.
Changing the Activity status of a Staff Warning record
Deleting a staff warning record
From the main Page, click on the staff warning that you wanted to delete and then click on the delete icon on the upper right.
Click on OK Button to confirm deleting the staff warning.