Branch Setup
Branch Setup is a Section from Brevity where you can input your company information, control the content of your support worker and client app, upload your company logo and upload the Service Agreement Template. This is also the section in Brevity where you could use to set the travel pay item and Invoice setup for your invoices.
You can reach this page by going to the Administration and then Clicking on the Branch Setup
These are the topics on this page:
We will be listing the fields and their functions inside Brevity.
Branch Details
This is the main setup of your Brevity Branch. This includes the name of the branch, code, Organisation, GST and Timezone. Each field on this sub section has an effect if you change the details.
The name of the Branch can be seen from different section in Brevity. When you will assign the branch for the client / employee, the name from the name field will be displayed.
The Branch code can be used if you have multiple branches that you could select from the schedule board or from the approved timesheet page. The code will be displayed from the Branch dropdown instead of display the Branch Name. The branch dropdown is located on the upper right portion of the schedule board / approved timesheet and will only appear if you have 2 or more branches in your Brevity.
Organisation - Organisation field is a look up and this is a link from another table. Organisation is a section in Brevity where you could use to configure the system settings and configure your SMTP details and other details for the organisation.
GST % - This is a field where you could input the Tax percentage for your client's invoice
Timezone - This is the field where you need to setup your timezone. This will affect the employee's login from the Brevity Mobile app if the timezone you set in Brevity is not correct.
Travel Setup
This is the section where you could setup your travel details and your travel mapping to third party Application
Hours Between Shifts: This is the time difference between the shifts.
Travel Reset Hours: This is the time that Brevity will reset the travel details. If you have a limitation for the employee's travel pay, it will be reset based on the time that you will set in here.
Travel Time Pay Item: This is the field that you could use to add the travel time pay item. This is the field where if the employee has a travel time, it will be sync to this pay item that you specify from this field.
Travel KM Pay Item: This has the same function with travel time but this time, if the employee has a travel / transport KM, it will be transferred to the pay item that you will specify from this field.
Invoice Setup
This is the section where you could add / remove some information for your client's invoice. You could add the invoice footer and remove the time from the invoice on this section.
Before proceeding, you could see the default invoice settings of Brevity
Invoice Footer Left / Right: You could add details / text and it will be shown in the left side / right side of the invoice footer.
Invoice Include Employee Names: If you set this option to Yes, the invoice will display the name of the employee that worked with the client for this service schedule.
Invoice Show Times: By default, this is set to Yes. If you set this to No. The time from and Time to will be removed from the invoice.
This what the invoice will look like if you change the default details of the Invoice Setup. We have added the invoice footer left and right. We set yes to include employee name and we set No to invoice show times.
Support Worker Apps
The following information provides an additional explanation on the support worker app and brevity portal configuration options that are managed through the Branch form
Options specific to the Brevity Care App
The options listed below are specific with managing the information that the employee or approved client can see through the Brevity care app on their mobile device.
Show Portal Service History
This option allows you to control whether the client’s service history is available to the support worker through their Brevity care app. If you set this option to YES then your support workers will see the service history of the client.
Whereas if this option is set to NO that service history will not be available.
Show Portal Service Report
This option allows you to control whether the View Summary Report link is available to the support worker through their Brevity care app.
If you set this option to YES then your support workers will see the View Summary Report link which will allow them to access additional information related with the client. That additional information includes language spoken, type of disability, goals, documentation and medication.
Whereas if this option is set to NO the View Summary Report link will not be available.
Show Mobile app Leave
This option allows you to control whether the support worker can view and create their own leave requests through their Brevity care app.
If you set this option to YES then your support workers will be able to select the leave icon located in the footer of the app dashboard to access both a summary page of leave planed and taken as well as request new leave. To make a leave request the support worker can click the add icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the leave tab within the Brevity Care app to bring up a leave request page.
Whereas if this option is set to NO the leave icon as discussed above will not be available.
Show Client Feedback Rating
This option allows you to control whether you want the client to rate the service that they have received from the support worker. Feedback from the client through the Brevity Care app is by means of a star rating.
If you set this option to YES then the client rating field will be shown on the same page that the client uses when they are signing off on a completed service. To be noted that this rating is mandatory and must accompany a signature at the conclusion of the service.
Whereas if this option is set to NO the client feedback rating will not be available
Show Portal Address / Phone / Mobile
These three options allow you to control what client address and communication details will be available for review by the support worker through their Brevity Care app.
If you set the option to YES on the respective fields then either the clients address, phone or mobile number will be displayed within the shift details (past, upcoming and current) for the support worker to review.
Whereas if this option is set to NO on the respective fields then that information will not be available for review by the support worker.
Allow Client Service Request
If your client has been provided with login credentials, then this option will allow you to control whether the client can register new service requests through their Brevity care app.
If you set this option to YES, an add icon will present in the bottom right-hand corner of the shift tab within the Brevity Care app. Selecting the add icon provides the client with access to the NEW SERVICE screen, where they can specify service date/time, description of the activity and service type.
Whereas if this option is set to NO the add icon will not be present and the client will not have the option of adding a shift.
Show Client Plan Balances
If your client has been provided with login credentials, then this option will allow you to control whether the client can review their funding through their Brevity care app. Plan balances includes available, used budget, total budget and a breakdown by service type.
If you set this option to YES, the client plan details will be available for review through the invoice tab as well as the shift tab of the Brevity Care app.
Whereas if this option is set to NO the client plan balance will not be present.
Options specific with the Brevity Care Portal
The options listed below are specific with managing the information that the employee can see through the Brevity care portal.
Show Portal funding
This is option is applicable only through the to the Brevity care portal. If set this option to YES then you will be able to see the client funding. Whereas if the option is set to NO then the clients funding will not be displayed through the Portal.
Show Portal All documents
This is option is applicable only through the to the Brevity care portal. If set this option to YES documentation applicable to the client will be available through the portal. Whereas if the option is set to NO then the client’s documentation will not be displayed through the Portal.
Editing the Branch Details
By default, the Branch information is already filled in on this page. Change the Branch Information and once done, click on the save button to save your Branch Information
Changing the Letter Head
Letter Head is a picture for your company logo. Brevity includes the letter head in generating reports. You can change the letter head by clicking on the Choose File button.
The open window will popup. Browse the location of your company logo, click on the logo and then click on the open button to upload the file
For Mac users, you can browse the logo you want to upload and click on the choose button.
Service Agreement Template
Service Agreement Template is a document that can be used in generating Service Agreement Document. This section will let you manage the documents wherein you can add a new service agreement template, delete the template or download the template.
Uploading the Service Agreement Template
You can upload the Service Agreement Template by clicking on the upload files
It will open another window where you can browse the template and upload it to Brevity. Select the file you want to upload and then click on the open button to upload the file.
For Mac users, browse the file you want to upload and then click on the choose button
Changing the file view
You can change the view of the file by clicking on the horizontal bars
It will display the Service Agreement Template in List View
Action Button
Action Button will let you download or delete the Service Agreement Template.
Click on the Download Template will download the template to your computer. Clicking on the Delete button will delete the template on the list. If you delete the template, you cannot retrieve the template so please be careful in deleting the template.
File Preview
If you want to view the document, click on the document you want to view.
A new window will pop up. It will show you the contents of the file.
Adding Another Branch
If your company have two or more branches, you can add another branch in Brevity. From the Branch setup, click on the + New button from the upper right corner of the branch setup.
Fill in the details for the New branch. Once done, click on the save button to create the new branch.
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