Employee's Report

Employee's Report

Employee’s Report is a section from Brevity where you can generate a report based on the tables and fields within the Employee’s Section. You can also use the customized report for the employees on this page. (See System Reports on how to create a customized report for the employee).

You can reach this page by going to the Employees from main menu and then clicking on the Reports tab from sub menu.

These are the topics on this page:

Generating A Report

Before you can generate a report, you should fill in the fields on the top of the report list. There are different fields available for the report such as date, client and employee fields. 

After filling in the fields for the report, double click on the report you want to generate.

If you want to create additional filter for the report, you can add it on this page. Since we already have a filter for the report, click on the next button to start generating the report.

The generated report will open on another window. You can save the report by clicking on the save button.

You can save the report in either word, PDF or excel format. After clicking on the document format, Brevity will automatically download the file to your computer.

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Setting the Report Filter

You can control how the report will be generated by setting up the report filter. Brevity will generate the report based on the filter you selected. You can set the report filter by double clicking on the report type you want to generate.

It will open the Report Filters page. You can select the filter by clicking on the filter drop down. It will list all the available filter for there report. Select the filter you want to set for the report.

You can set the Boolean Expression for the filter (equal, not equal) and then setting the value. If you select equal then the value, from the example below, the report will generate the service schedule of the employee that has the first name of Alex. Otherwise, if you select not equal from the boolean drop down, then the report will generate all the employee's service schedule except for employees that has the first name of alex.

You can add additional rule by clicking on the add rule button.

After adding the rule, you can set another filter by doing the same steps in setting up the filter. 

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