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The Quotes module enables:

  • Creation and maintenance participant information and related service engagements.

  • Creation and maintenance services required by participants and related budgets

  • Reporting of the above information to participants in the form of Service Agreements.


Navigating a quotation record


 Click to expand and prevew the fields and objects that comprise the Lead page

The fields and objects that comprise the Lead page are detailed below:

  1. Existing Client: This field identifies whether the Quotation will be for an existing participant. To associate quote with an existing client select Yes, which will (1) disable the name and address fields under the Lead Details and Address panels and (2) make visible the client field.

  2. First Name: This field is used to either input the given name of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  3. Last Name: This field is used to either input the surname of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  4. Date of birth: This field is used to list the date of birth of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  5. Email Address: This field is used to either input the email address of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  6. Phone: This field is used to either input the primary contact phone number of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  7. Representative Name: This field is used to input the name of a representative or guardian.

  8. Branch: This is a drop down field that lists the branch records maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the lead record.

  9. Address: This field is used to either input the street address of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  10. Suburb: This field is used to either input the suburb of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  11. State: This field is used to either input the state of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  12. Postcode: This field is used to either input the postcode of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.

  13. Funding Source: This is a drop down field that lists the funding sources maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the lead record.

  14. NDIS Number: This field is used to either input the participants ndis number or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity.

  15. Pricelist: This is a drop down field that lists the price lists maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the lead record.

  16. Total Hours: This a read only field that will list the number of service hours calculated within the agreement period set through the service record.

  17. Total Amount: This a read only field that will list the budget calculated on the services being delivered within the agreement period set through the service record.

  18. Approval Stage: This is a drop down field that lists the processing stage of the lead based upon the status assigned to the lead. The status types include Quote Acceptance, Service Agreement Acceptance, Service Agreement Signed, Quote Rejected and Service Agreement Rejected.

  19. Follow up Date: This field is used to specify a follow up date once the service agreement has been generated. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  20. Create Copy: This button is used create a copy of a selected lead record

  21. Proposal: This button provides you with access to the service agreement and care plan plan page.

  22. Convert to Client: This button will become visible if the status has been set to Service Agreement Signed. To convert a lead will need to ensure that a service record exists, otherwise the process will not be initiated.

  23. Save: This button saves a new record to the database as well as save any updates that have been made to an existing record.

  24. Close: This button shuts down the current page and returns you to the Lead List Page.

  25. Services: This panel lists the services that have been prepared under the quote. Information contained within the datagrid includes the service name the period of the service (from date and to date) and the budget associated with that service.

  26. Client: This is a drop down field that lists the active participants held within the client table that can be assigned to the lead record. Address and contact information will be brought through from the client table for the selected participant. This field is hidden by default, to make visible set the existing client field to ‘yes’.


Navigating the Service Record


 Click to expand and prevew the fields and objects that comprise the Quote Services page

The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Quote Services page:

  1. Lead: This field lists the name of the participant from the lead record that the service record will be prepared for.

  2. From Date: This field is used to specify the commence date of the service agreement. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  3. To Date: This field is used to specify the cessation date of the service agreement. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  4. Service Type: This is a drop down field that lists the service lines maintained within Brevity. Service types listed are based upon the the price list that was set on the lead record. Select the applicable service that will be delivered to the participant.

  5. Budget: This field is used to specify the budget available to the participant for the service type as determined by the NDIS.

  6. Description: This field is used to specify a narration of the tasks/activities associated with the service being delivered, this is information additional to the service type.

  7. Allow Public Holidays: This field is used to acknowledge whether the service will be delivered on a public holiday. The default for this field is ‘no’, setting this ‘yes’ will apply the appropriate public holiday rates into the calculation of the budget.

  8. Total Hours: This field calculates the number of hours set for the service being delivered based upon the recurring allocated hours listed under the Applicable Days panel within the Agreement start and end dates.

  9. Lock Hours: This field by default is set to ‘no’. Setting this field to ‘yes’ will set the fields within the Applicable Days panel to read only.

  10. Recurring Type: This is a drop down field that lists the frequency that the service will be delivered during the agreement period. The recurrence can be set as weekly (default), fortnightly, every 3 weeks, every 4 weeks, monthly and As Needed.

  11. Select Days: These fields, lists the days on which the service will be delivered during the agreement period.

  12. Preferred Time: This is a drop down field that lists the time band when the service will be delivered during the agreement period. The Time bands are based upon theoretical shift periods and include morning, afternoon, evening and night shift. Specifying the preferred time value will update the start time field.

  13. Start Time: This field is used to specify the preferred start time of the service will be delivered during the agreement period. By default notional times are set based upon the value selected within the Preferred Time field. Morning = 0800, afternoon = 1200, evening = 1600 and Night = 2000. The value listed to this field can be overwritten.

  14. Hours: This field is used to specify the duration of the service being delivered on the nominated days during the agreement period

  15. Rate: This is a read only field that lists the rate associated with the service being delivered as per the nominated price list selected from the lead record.

  16. Show Prices in print: This field is used to determine whether the service costs are displayed in the schedule of service generated when the Print button is selected.

  17. Print: This button generates the schedule of service

  18. Service Schedule: The service schedule lists the budget and weeks covered by the service. Reflected as a calendar it lists the services being delivered per by month. Each cell within the calendar lists the day and date, the service being delivered, the number of hours and optionally the cost of that service,

  19. Save: This button saves a new record to the database as well as save any updates that have been made to an existing record.

  20. Close: This button shuts down the current page and returns you to the Lead Page.

Create a Quotation Record

 To create a quotation record for a new participant observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Quotes menu to open the Lead List page.

  2. Select the (plus) New button to open the New Lead Record page

  3. Select whether the Quotation is an existing or new participant. If the participant is new leave the field value set as ‘no’, however if the quote is for an existing participant then set the field value to ýes'.

    This will make visible the client field. You can either input or select from the drop down list the participant name. Selecting an existing participant will update the fields listed under the Lead details, Address, Client Funding Details data panels.

    The following steps relate with the creation of a lead for a new participant

  4. Within the First Name field, input the surname of the participant.

  5. Within the Last Name field, input the given name of the participant.

  6. Within the Date of birth field either input the participants date of birth free text or select from the calendar picker.

  7. Within the email address field input the participants primary email address for contact. The email address can be used when sending the participant a copy of their Service Agreement.

  8. Within the phone field input the participants primary phone number for contact.

  9. Within the Representative Name input the particulars of the clients guardian or legal representative.

  10. With the Branch field either input free text or select from the drop down list the branch that the participant will be associated with.

  11. Within the Address field input the participants street address.

  12. Within the suburb field input the suburb associated with the participants street address.

  13. Within the state field input the state associated with the participants street address.

  14. Within the postcode field input the postcode associated with the participants street address.

  15. With the Funding Source field either input free text or select from the drop down list the applicable funding source

  16. Within the NDIS number field input, if the information is applicable the participants NDIS number.

  17. Within the Pricelist field either input free text or select from the drop down list the applicable pricelist that will be used to cost the services required by the participant.

  18. Within the Follow up date field either input the date to follow up the participant free text or select from the calendar picker.

  19. Select the SAVE button to create the lead and open the Services tab for data entry.

  20. Select the (plus) Add new record button located above the services datagrid to open the New Quote Services record page within the browser. Refer to topic Create a Service.

Duplicate Record Alert 

The Duplicate Alert feature within the Quotation module does not stop you from registering the record, it will only alert you that the record is a possible duplicate. The alert will present if the email address listed matches one already registered against an active participant record.

Create a Service

 To create one or more services for the quote observe the following steps

 Refer to the steps on creating a quotation listed under the topic Create a Quotation Record.

  1. Select the (plus) Add new record button located above the services datagrid to open the New Quote Services record page within the browser.

  2. Within the From date field input the commence date of the service agreement either in free text or select from the calendar picker.

  3. Within the To date field input the cease date of the service agreement either in free text or select from the calendar picker.

  4. Within the Service Type field either input free text or select from the drop down list the applicable service that will be delivered to the participant

  5. Within the budget field input a budget that has been allocated to the participant for the required service.

  6. Within the description field input a detailed narration of the particulars of the service being delivered to the participant.

  7. If Services and supports are to be delivered during public holiday periods set the field value to 'yes', other retain the default.

  8. Set the recurring roster to determine the frequency, time and number of hours that will be provided in the delivery of the service to the participant.

    From the Recurring type field select the recurring period from the drop down list, available options include weekly, fortnightly, monthly, every 3 weeks, every 4 weeks.
    Select the applicable days.
    From the preferred time field select the occurrence from the drop down list, available options include Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night.
    Update the default start time that has been set by brevity.
    Within the Hours field specify the number of hours associated with the service delivery.

    Please note that the rate is determined using the selected service type and pricelist As you progress through and define the attributes of the service the service calendar will be updated.

  9. Once the attributes for the service record have been defined, select the SAVE button to create the record.

  10. Select the CLOSE to exit back to the lead page. You will observe that the service record created through the the New Quote Services record page is listed within the services grid.

Generating a Proposal

Prior to generating your proposal, please that you have provided a copy of your Service Agreement to brevity that it has been mail merged and upload onto the branch record, under the Service Agreement Templates tab.

To generate a service agreement for the services set against the quotation observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Proposal button from the ribbon bar to open the Service Agreement page.

  2. From the Template drop down field select the applicable value from the list that will be used as template for your service agreement. Note please that the values listed reflect the service agreement records that are retained against the branch record.

  3. Select the Generate Mail Merge button to open a merged MS Word document pop up screen

  4. Select the OK button to open the merge document

Converting to a Client

 Acceptance of the Service Agreement will enable you convert the Quote to a participant. The steps involved in this are as follows:

  1. Select the Quotes menu to open the Lead List page.

  2. Search for the lead record that is to be converted.

  3. Highlight the required record and either select the Edit button or double click on the record to open the lead page.

  4. From the Approval Stage field select the Service Agreement Signed option from the drop down list.

  5. Select the SAVE button to update the lead record with the status change. This will make visible the Convert to Client button on the ribbon bar.

  6. Select the Convert to Client button to open the Convert lead screen.

  7. Select the whether you would like to migrate across to the client record the communications, notes and documents associated with the lead.

    To do so select the box(es) corresponding with the required communications.
    Select the Convert button to present a pop up screen.
    Brevity will only create a participant record if it does not already exist.

  8. Select OK to confirm the creation of the client record.

Edit an Existing Quotation Record

To edit a quote record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Quotes menu to open the Lead List page.

  2. Search for the lead record that is to be converted.

  3. Highlight the required record and either select the Edit button or double click on the record to open the lead page.

  4. To edit the quote record you can update any of the following fields

    ** New lead record not associated with an EXISTING PARTICIPANT**participant

    Date of Birth
    Email Address
    Representative Name


    Funding Source

    NDIS Number

    Approval Stage

    New lead associated with an existing participant

    Representative Name

    Funding Source

    NDIS Number

    Approval Stage

    Creating a New service record or updating an existing service record.

    From Date

    To Date

    Service Type



    Allow Public Holidays
    recurring attribute associated with the service being delivered, recurring type, selected days, preferred time and start time, hours

  5. Select the SAVE button to update the quotation.

Delete a Quote

To delete a Quote observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Quotes menu to open the Lead List page.

  2. Search for the lead record that is to be deleted

  3. Highlight the record and select the delete button from the ribbon bar.

  4. Select the OK button on the prompt screen to confirm the deletion.

Delete a Service

 To delete a service from the Quotation record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Quotes menu to open the Lead List page.

  2. Search for the lead record that is to be converted.

  3. Highlight the required record and either select the Edit button or double click on the record to open the lead page.

  4. From the service data grid select the (blue star) delete icon opposite the service record that is to be removed.

  5. Select the OK button on the prompt to confirm the deletion of the record.



Adjusting the Quote Activity Status

To adjust the activity status of the Quotation observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Quotes menu to open the Lead List page.

  2. Search for the lead record that is to be converted.

  3. Highlight the required record and either select the Edit button or double click on the record to open the lead page.

  4. To deactivate the Quotation record select the Deactivate button.

  5. To activate the Quotation record select the Activate button.

  6. Once done, you can exit back to the lead List.

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