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This page guides through the process of setting up and maintaining client checklists.


The client checklist feature is managed handled through the Checklist datagrid located with found in the header of the client record. Client checklists are used to define the requirements that are required in relation to managing the clients service. The checklist feature allows requirements to based on the program (Funding Source). Image Removedhelp outline the necessary requirements for managing client relationships and services. This feature allows the requirements to be based on the funding source value specified in the program field.

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The following is a summary of the icons used to classify the status of the checklist records maintained within the Checklist datagrid

(blue star)

This icon indicates that the requirement associated with the checklist record is in the process of being obtained.

(blue star)

This icon indicates that the requirement associated with the checklist record is due to expire.

(blue star)

This icon indicates that the requirement associated with the checklist record is current.

(blue star)

This icon indicates that the requirement associated with the checklist record is being planned.

(blue star)

This icon indicates that the requirement associated with the checklist record has expired.

Navigating the Checklist form

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titleClick to expand and preview the fields contained within the Client Checklist form

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Employee Compliance form:

  1. Client Name: This is a drop down field that lists the name of client for which the checklist record relates.

  2. Item: This is a drop down field that lists the name of the requirement (ie: document or assessment) associated with the checklist.

  3. Expiry Date: This field is used to list the date that the requirement expires. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  4. Status: This is a drop down field that lists the status of the checklist record. Listed values include planned, In Progress, Expired, and Completed.

  5. Description: This field is used to provide a general narrative about the client checklist record.

Additional Information

For additional information on defining the checklist requirements refer to the following topic.

Introduction to Client ChecklistsCreating a Client Checklist recordEditing and Deleting a Client Checklist topic.record

Allocating the Checklist against the client profile

To allocate a checklist against the client profile set the required value within the Program field. This should relate to the entries you have defined as per the the Client Checklist topic. Ensure that you save the client record to make visible the checklist within the record header.

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Completing the Client Checklist

To update the particulars of the client checklist observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client >Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the browser.

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  2. Within the Record Header, click the checklist name corresponding with the record that is to be edited within the Checklist form.

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  2. Within the Expiry date field specify the date the checklist record expires. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  3. Within the status field select from the drop down list a status applicable with the checklist record.

  4. Within the Description field input an optional narrative that lists additional information applicable to the checklist record.

  5. Select the Save button to update the checklist record.

  6. Select the close button to exit back to the client profile.