To confirm a shift has been completed based on hours schedule (and to auto-generate the timesheet), select the Scheduled Shifts (blue entries), and then click the Complete Shift button in the bottom right. If you need to adjust the hours of the shift, you can double-click and amend as required before completing. You are able to confirm more that one shift at a time by selecting more than one at a time.
Confirming via the Approve Timesheet Screen (manual timesheets)
To approve timesheets using the approve timesheets function, navigate to Employee > Approve Timesheets. From this screen enter the appropriate date range, select the support worker from the employee list and then click Search to view services for the employee that require approval.
From the list you can, for each service, confirm the times against the submitted timesheet, query the times (with associated comment), or update the times if you approve changes. Click the Save button in the top right to apply your changes.
When the employees finished a shift using the Brevity Mobile App, you need to approve the timesheet of the employee to complete the shift. You cannot create an invoice for the completed shift of the client if the employee's timesheet is not approved. You can approve the timesheet of the employee by clicking on the shift of the employee you want to approve and then clicking on the Approve Selected Timesheet button.
A new window will appear after clicking on the Approved Selected Timesheet button. It will display all the timesheet of the employees that you can approve. You can also update the shift time, shift Km's and travel time from this page. Click on the checkbox from the approved column and then click on the Approve button to approve the timesheet of the employee.
Once the Timesheet has been approved, you will see a check mark on the upper right side of the shift. This indicates that the shift has been approved.
Submitting Timesheets via the Support Worker apps
This is the recommended way of receiving timesheets within Brevity as it saves you administration time verifying manually submitted timesheets against the roster, as well as allows the support workers to directly submit the service reports. The support worker apps are available for both web and mobile and allows the support workers to view their client profiles, their roster, and complete timesheets and care notes for the service.
Click here to view more about the support worker apps.