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This page guides you through the creation of new and the management of existing client incident records.

These are the topics on this page

  • Introduction

  • Employee Incident Page

  • Navigating the Client Incident record

  • Registering an Incident through the Mobile Care app

  • Adding a Client Incident

  • Editing a Client Incident

  • Deleting a Client Incident

  • Complete and Lock a Client Incident

  • Printing a Client Incident

  • Client Incident Mail Merge

  • Reviewing Incidents through the Care Management module


An incident is an unplanned event that results in, or has the potential for injury, damage or loss of life this also includes near misses. NDIS service providers have an responsibility to manage all incidents that are reported either by a participant or support worker in accordance with their obligations as listed per the NDIS Code of Conduct.

Additional information on incident management can be found in the following legislation: National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.

Incident registration within the Brevity can be undertaken either through the brevity web application, by a team leader or a member of the Service team or through the Brevity Care mobile application either by the participant or the support worker.

The following is a summary of current record types that are available for categorising incident records.


This is an unexpected occurrence or event that does not result in either injury, illness or harm to the client or damage to the client’s property


This is an unexpected event that results in either injury, illness or harm to the client or damage to the client’s property


This is a narrowly avoided accident.


This is a grievance from the client in relation to a particular aspect of the service that they have received.


This is a recommendation or pitch from the client about enhancing a particular aspect of the service that they have received.

Medical Incident

This is a broad definition that may be treated in the same fashion as an Accident, may include for example reporting the occurrence of medication abuse, some form of abuse, hospitalisation or the contraction of a communicable disease

Medication refusal

This is a refusal of the client to take scheduled medication.


Employee Incident page

Where the incident record lists the support worker as a participant, the particulars of the incident will also be accessible through the Employee Incident page.

Navigating the Incident Record

 Click to expand and preview the fields that comprise the Client Incident page

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Client Incident page; please note that not all the fields listed are populated with data from the Brevity Care Mobile app.

Type: This is a drop down field that defines the incident types that can be assigned to the record. The type is also specified through the mobile app.

Client Name: This is a drop down field that defines the name of the client for which the incident relates. The client name is also specified through the mobile app.

Employee: This is a drop down field that defines the name of employee that raised the incident. The employee name is also specified automatically through the mobile app for incidents notified by the support worker. This field will be blank when the incident is notified by the client.

Support Coordination Service Provider: This is a drop down field that defines the name of the service provider that is delivering support services for a Plan Managed Client. The service provider would be allocated when the incident record is raised through the Care Management module.

Reported By: This field is used to define the particulars of the individual that reported the incident, this may be a witness or third-party who has knowledge of the events, the client or the support worker. The name of the person reporting the incident is also specified through the mobile app.

Phone: This field is used to define the phone number of the individual as listed in the Reported By field that reported the incident. The name of the person reporting the incident is also specified through the mobile app.

Date Received: This field is used to define the occurrence date when the incident is registered through the mobile app. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

Status: This is a drop down field that defines the status of the incident record. All new incidents that are registered either through the Brevity Care mobile or the Brevity Web application(s) are assigned the default status of OPEN.

Date of Incident: This field is used to define the date that the incident occurred when registered through the Brevity web application. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

Severity: This is a drop down field that defines the severity of the incident and is a subjective assessment. The severity of the incident is also specified through the mobile app.

Description: This field is used to define a detailed narrative of incident. The description of the incident is also specified through the mobile app.

Location: This field is used to define a where the incident occurred. The location of the incident is also specified through the mobile app.

Date Signed: This field is used to define the date that the incident report was signed. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

Allow Client Access: This field is used to define client access to the incident record through the mobile app. If set to NO the incident will not be available.

Allow Staff Access: This field is used to define support worker access to the incident record through the mobile app. If set to NO the incident will not be available.

What Happened Before: This field is used to define a detailed narrative of the events that occurred and the actions of the client prior to the occurrence of the incident. The description of the What Happened Before is also specified through the mobile app.

What Happened During: This field is used to define a detailed narrative of the events that occurred and actions taken during the incident. The description of the What Happened During is also specified through the mobile app.

What Happened After: This field is used to define a detailed narrative of the events that occurred and actions taken after the incident. The description of the What Happened After is also specified through the mobile app.

Notified Management: This field is used advise that management have been notified. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. The notification of management can also be specified through the mobile app.

Notified Staff: This field is used advise that staff have been notified. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. The notification of staff can also be specified through the mobile app, however it is assumed that the support worker would leave this values blank.

Notified Guardian: This field is used advise that clients guardian has been notified. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. The notification of guardian c can also be specified through the mobile app, however it is assumed that the support worker would leave this values blank.

Notified Police: This field is used advise that the Police have been notified. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. The notification of the Police can also be specified through the mobile app, however it is assumed that the support worker would leave this values blank.

Notified Insurance: This field is used advise that the relevant insurer has been notified. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. The notification of the insurer can also be specified through the mobile app, however it is assumed that the support worker would leave this values blank.

Witnesses: This field is used to define the names of the persons who were a witness to the incident. The witness to the incident is also specified through the mobile app.

Examined by Doctor: This field is used advise whether the client was reviewed by a doctor in connection with the incident. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. The examination of the doctors can also be specified through the mobile app, however it is assumed that the support worker would leave this values blank.

Doctor: This is a drop down field that defines the name of the doctor associated with the treatment of the client. Mandatory data only if the client was examined by a doctor.

Doctor Report: This field is used define a narrative of the doctors report. Mandatory data only if the client was examined by a doctor.

Expected Recovery Date: This field is used to define the date that the client will recover from any injuries associated the incident. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker. Mandatory data only if the client was examined by a doctor.

Hospitalised: This field is used advise whether the client was hospitalised in connection with the incident. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. Hospitalisation can also be specified through the mobile app, however it is assumed that the support worker would leave this values blank.

Hospital Treatment: This field is used to define a detailed narrative of the hospital treatment if applicable as received by the client. Mandatory data only if the client received hospital treatment..

Action Date: This field is used to define the date that action was taken in relation to the incident. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

Action Taken: This field is define a detailed narrative of the action taken.

Further Action Required: This field is used advise whether there is any additional actions required in relation to the incident. There are two options available, YES/NO, the Default value is NO. The option for specifying Further Action can also specified through the mobile app.

Further Action Date: This field is used to define the date by which follow up actions in relation to the incident must be completed by. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker. The Further Action date can also specified through the mobile app.

Further Actions Required: This field is define a detailed narrative of any additional actions that are required in connection with the incident. The Further Action narrative can also specified through the mobile app.

Incident Registration through the Brevity Care Mobile app

For additional information on the registration of incident records through the Brevity Care Mobile application refer to the following topics:

Adding an Incident record

To establish an Incident record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client form.

  5. Select the Accident/Incident icon located in the left vertical menu, to present a listing of the incident records within the browser.

  6. Select the (plus) New button to open the incident page into the Browser.

  7. Within the Type field select from the drop down list the appropriate record type.

  8. Within the Reported By field input the full name of the individual that reported the incident.

  9. Within the Date Received field specify the date that organisation was notified of the incident. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  10. Within the Status field select from the drop down list the appropriate status type. For all new incidents the status would be set as "open".

  11. Within the Date of Incident field specify the date that the incident occurred. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  12. Within the severity field select from the drop down list the appropriate severity type.

  13. Within the Description field input a narrative as to the circumstances or purpose of the incident record.

  14. Update the fields listed under the Notified Panel

    Update the Notified Staff field set as either Yes or No
    Update the Notified Guardian field set as either Yes or No
    Update the Notified Police field set as either Yes or No
    Update the Notified Insurer field if Yes

  15. Update the Examined By Doctor field set as either Yes or No

    if the field value is Yes input data into the following fields

    Click within the Doctor field to select a service provider from the drop down list
    Input a detailed narrative based upon the doctors report
    Input an expected recover date.

  16. Update the Hospitalised field set as either Yes or No

    if the field value is Yes input a detailed narrative of the Hospital treatment that was or is being recieved by the client.

  17. Update the Further Action Required field set as either Yes or No

    if the field value is Yes input data into the following fields
    Input a date for further actions

    Input a detailed narrative that relate with the actions required.

  18. Update the optional fields with data

    Input a detailed narrative into the individual fields listed within the What Happened ? panel as well as inputing data with regards to the location at which the incident occurred.

  19. Select the SAVE button to create the incident record.

Editing an Incident record

Edits to the incident record may involve specifying information related with hospitalisation, updating notifications, further actions to be undertaken, setting the status or access rights or assigning notes to the incident

To edit the Incident record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client form.

  5. Select the Accident/Incident icon located in the left vertical menu, to present a listing of the incident records within the browser.

  6. Highlight the Incident record to be updated, and either select the EDIT button or double click to open the page in the browser.

  7. To update the Incident record observe the following notes.

    To update the incident status, click into the status field and select the applicable status from the drop down list that will be assigned to the record.

    For incidents raised through the Brevity Care mobile app, specify an incident date. Review the sevirty indicator that has been specified, if a change is required, click into the severity field select the applicable status from the drop down list.

    To update staff &/or client access on the incident, set the access value on the corresponding fields to YES or NO.

    Either add or update the particulars registered into the What Happened ? fields

    To update the notification values, set the access value on the corresponding field to YES or NO.

    If hospitalisation was set to YES, provide a narrative of the treatment that the client recieved.

    Update the Further Actions Required. Set the value to YES or NO, depending on whether additional actions are required. If Further Actions are required then allocate a Action Date and a narrative the Actions still required.

    To assign a note to incident, select the notes button from the ribbon bar to open the notes panel, select the ADD NOTE button. Input a name for the note and a details narrative, Select the SAVE button to create the note.

  8. Select the SAVE button to update the incident record.

Deleting an Incident record

Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete an Incident record observe the following steps, off which there are two approaches available.

Deleting from the Incident record data-grid

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client form.

  5. Select the Accident/Incident icon located in the left vertical menu, to present a listing of the client incident records within the browser.

  6. Highlight the Incident record that is to be deleted.

  7. Select the Delete button from the ribbon bar to present a pop-up message.

  8. Select the OK button to confirm the record delete. Record listing within the browser will refresh.

Deleting from the Incident record

  1. Refer to steps 1-5 as listed above.

  2. Highlight and double-click to open the incident record that is to be deleted into the incident page within the browser.

  3. Select the Delete Button from the ribbon bar to present a pop-up message.

  4. Select the OK button to confirm the record delete.

  5. Select the CLOSE button

Complete and Lock the Incident record

To complete and lock the Incident record, as well as to reverse that action observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client form.

  5. Select the Accident/Incident icon located in the left vertical menu, to present a listing of the client incident records within the browser.

  6. Highlight the Incident record to be updated, and either select the EDIT button or double click to open the page in the browser.

  7. Select the Complete and Lock button from the ribbon bar, the page will refresh and the fields in the incident records will be read-only.

  8. Select the close button

  9. To reactivate the incident record, you will need to undertake this through the Care Management function. Select the Care Management>Accident/Incident/Complaint menu option to open the Accident / Complaint List page within the Browser.

  10. Select the Inactive Accident/Complaint List record view option, to refresh the Accident / Complaint List page within Inactive incident records.

  11. Search the Inactive incident record, highlight and either select the EDIT button or double click to open the page in the browser.

  12. Select the Complete and Lock button from the ribbon bar.

  13. Select the Close button.

Incident Mail Merge

If an incident mail merge template has already been configured through the incident page of either the client or the care management menu, steps 1 - 5 as outlined below can be passed over.

The Incident page is supported by a mail merge capacity, that allows the organisation to incorporate data from the Incident into a custom designed MS Word report. This allows for reporting on Incidents that have been either raised through the Brevity Care mobile application or the Brevity Web application.


  1. To access the Mail Merge feature click on the MAIL MERGE button located in the ribbon bar on the Incident List page to expand the mail merge panel.

  2. To create an Incident template click the Download template link to present the following pop-up screen within the browser.

    Select the OK button to open the incident template into MS word

  3. Once MS Word opens:

    Enable editing

    Select the developer menu

    Select the XML Mapping Panel to open XML Mapping Panel located to the right of the word document

    From the Custom XML Part drop down list select the XML part
    Expand the incident to list the incident data fields that are available for assignment into the word document.

    Establish the document structure
    To assign the data links position your cursor in the word document where the data link will be located.
    Right click the data element from within the XML list to present a floating menu, listing the option > Insert Content Control.

    selecting the menu option > Insert Content Control, will list a set of object options. Select the option Plain Text.

    The selected item of data will be positioned into the word document.

    Repeat these steps until all the necessary data fields have been embedded into the word document.

  4. Save the word document off onto a drive folder.

  5. From within the Mail Merge panel of the Incident list select the Upload document link to open the File Upload screen within the browser.

    Within the File Upload window, search for and select the incident document.
    Select OK to update the Mail Merge panel with the incident document


  6. To undertake a mail merge, ensure the required record is selected within the Incident Record List page.

  7. Select the floating menu as denoted within the […] to the right of the word document. Select the Mail merge option to generate your mail merged Incident document.

    Select OK on the Opening Merged.docx screen, accept the default

    An example of the output is shown on following


Printing the Incident record

To print the clients incident record as a PDF file observe the following steps:

  1. Select the PRINT button from the ribbon bar, to print the Incident record as a PDF file.

  2. Once the PDF file has been created a pop-up screen will be presented.

  3. Select either to Open or Save the file. Opening the PDF file the incident record will be presented as follows.

Reviewing Incidents through the Care Management module

Incident Records can be created and managed through the Incident / Complaint page within the Care Management. To access this feature observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Care Management>Accident/Incidents/Complaints sub-menu to open the Accident / Complaint List page within the browser.

  2. To edit an existing Incident record search for and highlight the record. Double-click the record to open it into the incident page within the browser. Update the record with the required edits and select the SAVE button.

  3. To create a new incident record, select the (plus) New button to open the incident page within the Browser. Observe the steps as outlined under this topic, select the SAVE button to create the record.

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