Employees Service Calendar.

Employees Service Calendar.

This section allows you view the services of the client for a specific date(s) and print the schedule. To go to this page, click on employees then click on service calendar.

These are the topics on this page:

Navigating the Client's Service Calendar

You can use several options/fields to display the client's service calendar. 

  1. Client Drop down: You can use this drop down to select a client and the table will display the service schedule of that client
  2. Employee Drop down: You can use this drop down to select an employee and display all the service schedule that is assigned to the employee.
  3. Status Drop down: If you select a status from this drop down, it will just display all the service schedule with the status you selected
  4. Date: This is a required field on this page. You need to specify the dates that the table will show
  5. Status: The shifts will have a color coding background. You can refer to the status section to know the status of the shift.
  6. Print Button: You can use this button to print the service schedule from the table. 

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Status color coding

The calendar will display the list of schedule for the client. You will notice that each service schedule has a different color background. The background color indicates the status of the service schedule. The status color coding that can be found under the drop-down shows what is the status of the service schedule.

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Showing Service Schedule using Client drop down

You can display the service schedule of the client using the client drop down. Select a client from the drop down then specify the date so the table could show the service schedule for the specified dates.

After Selecting the client from the client drop down, the table will automatically show all the service schedule for the client. If you want to display a specific status, select a status from the status drop down.

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Showing Service Schedule using Employees drop down

You can use the employee's drop down to display the service schedule that has been assigned to the employee. Select an employee from the employee drop down then select the date range so that the table could show the service schedule for the employee on the specified dates.

You can show a specific status by selecting a status from the status drop down. The table will show all the service schedule with the specified status.

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Showing Service Schedule using Client and Employees drop down

You can use both Client and Employees drop down to show the shifts for a specified client and an employee assigned to the client's service schedule. Select a client and employee from the client drop down / employee drop down, then specify the dates you want to show on the table.

You can also select a status by using the status drop down. If you select a status, all service schedule with that status will be shown on the table.

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Printing the Calendar

After showing the service schedule on the table, you can print the service schedule by clicking on the print button.

It will show the print dialog box. You can change the settings for the printer on this page and once you are done, click on the print button to start printing the service calendar.

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Checking the Service Schedule Record

Double click on the service schedule to see the service schedule details.

It will open another page and it will display the service schedule details.

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