This page provides the user with an overview on the registration of provider invoices through the HCP Import Invoice.
These are the topics on this page:
Brevity provides HCP provider with an invoice upload tool that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to automatically parse information contained within PDF format invoices and complete the matching of information within the form for you. This feature is accessed from the HCP > HCP Import Invoice sub menu.
The Import Invoices interface is supported by a logical data input layout to allow for fast and accurate processing of invoices. The interface supports:
Importing multiple provider invoices into Brevity that are located on a local/network drive
Invoice approval and rejection.
Notifying service providers of invoice rejection via email.
Sending invoices through to the participant to approve or reject either via email or through the Brevity Care Mobile application.
Navigating the HCP Invoice Import
The following information provides you with direction that can assist you to troubleshoot any errors that may arise when registering a provider invoice.
Batch processing HCP Invoices
The following steps relate with the import of HCP invoices from a nominated folder either on a local or network drive:
Service Provider Invoices are received in by the HCP provider.
Save off the invoice of into a nominated folder.
Select the HCP > HCP Invoice Import sub menu to display the Client Invoice Batches page.
Click the
New Batch tile, acknowledge that you are creating a new batch.
Click the Browse button, search for and select the invoice(s) that are to be processed.
Click the Upload and Continue button
Invoice is opened for OCR reading, as shown above.
Invoice is validated for the presence of a corresponding Purchase Order.
Checks are performed on the invoice dates and amount. If these checks pass the Invoice record is updated and processed. If these checks fail the invoice will not be processed until the errors are corrected.
The Saved invoice will establish a PURCHASE SERVICE on the schedule board. A copy of the invoice will be assigned against the service, as shown below. The Purchase Order utilisation $ amount will be updated with the $ value of the invoice.