Expense type

Expense type

Expense type is a field from Brevity which allows you to charge the client with additional cost. There are 3 categories in expense type for the client. It could be a travel, meal or entertainment category. This section will allow you to create different types of expenses under the 3 different categories.

You can go to the Expense type page by going to the administration from main menu and clicking on Expense type under sub menu.

These are the topics on this page:

Adding an Expense Type

From the expense type tab, to create a new record, Click on +New. It would require you to add in a name, code, and category.

Fill out the necessary details and hit Save once done.

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Editing the Expense Type

From the expense type tab, click on the checkbox that you want to edit then select the edit button to edit. You can search for a specific expense type by using the search field

Once changes have been made, click Save.

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Deleting the Expense Type

You can delete the expense type if you want to delete it. Click on the Expense type you want to delete and click on the delete button.

Click on OK button to confirm deleting the expense type

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