Needs Assessment..

Needs Assessment..

Needs Assessment is a section of Brevity where in you can assess and manage the Clients history record.  You can also create a record of the Funding Approval of the client from this page. 

You can access this page by going to the Care Management from Main menu and then selecting the Need Assessment tab.

These are the topics on this page:

Creating an Assessment request for a client

In the Assessment requests list, select the "New Button" in the upper left corner of the window,

Fill-out all the necessary information in the window and then select the "Save Button" to create the record

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Editing Assessment request information

In the Assessment requests list, search for the name of the client through the "Search Field" and then put a check on the corresponding checkbox for the client assessment request information to be edited and then select the "Edit Button"

Put in the necessary changes for the information and then select the "Save Button" to save the changes,

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Deleting a care assessment request

In the Assessment request list, put a check on the corresponding checkbox of the assessment request to be deleted then select the "Delete Button" in the upper right portion of the window.

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