Approved Timesheet.

Approved Timesheet.

This page shows all the approved and not approved timesheet of the employees and their status. You can also see the details of the completed shifts that is recorded by the employees using the Brevity Mobile App. You can also approve the employees shift on this page. Approving the time sheet of the employee is required before you create the invoice for NDIS and Plan Managed clients. To navigate this page, click on employees then click on the approved timesheet

These are the topics on this page:

Navigating Approved Timesheet

There are options you can use to display the approved timesheet of the employees. 

  1. Status Filter: The status filter allows you to view only services that have a particular status on the calendar
  2. Date Range Filter: The date range filter allows you to easily navigate back and forth between weeks/months. You are able to click between the arrows to select a date, or to select the day of the week to start the calendar on.
  3. Period Filter: The period filter allows you to view the calendar by week or fortnight.
  4. Toggle Filter: Toggle Filter allows you to show timesheets that has been approved and not approved.
  5. Search Box: The search box allows you to filter the list on a particular employee.

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Changing the Employee's Timesheet View

You can change the employees timesheet view to show the shifts that are not yet approved and timesheet that needs approval. You can use this feature to show the employees timesheet that needs an approval to complete the shift. By default, all shifts are shown on the employee's timesheet view.

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Showing Shifts for Approval

You can show the timesheets that needs approval by clicking on the For Approval button.

The calendar will only show the shifts that needs approval. This view can be useful if you want to only show the shifts that needs approval to complete the shifts.

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Showing Shifts that are not Approved

You can show the employee's timesheet that are not yet approved by clicking on the Not Approved Button. Showing the not approved shifts will let you review the shifts of the employee that are not yet approved and hides all the approved timesheet of the employees.

The calendar will show the employee's timesheet that are not yet approved. 


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Approving the Employees Timesheet

When the employees finished a shift using the Brevity Mobile App, you need to approve the timesheet of the employee to complete the shift. You cannot create an invoice for the completed shift of the client if the employee's timesheet is not approved. You can approve the timesheet of the employee by clicking on the shift of the employee you want to approve and then clicking on the Approve Selected Timesheet button.

A new window will appear after clicking on the Approved Selected Timesheet button. It will display all the timesheet of the employees that you can approve. You can also update the shift time, shift Km's and travel time from this page. Click on the checkbox from the approved column and then click on the Approve button to approve the timesheet of the employee.

Once the Timesheet has been approved, you will see a check mark on the upper right side of the shift. This indicates that the shift has been approved.

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Approving Multiple Employee's Timesheets

You can approve multiple timesheets for the employee. There are two ways to select the timesheets of the employee. The first way is by manually clicking on the shifts of the employee that you want to approve. The shift you selected will have a red box on the shift box to indicate that the shift has been selected.

The second way to select the shift is by clicking on the employees avatar picture. it will select all the shifts for the current view. 

Selecting the shifts in Weekly View

Selecting the shifts in fornight view

Once you selected the shifts, click on the Approve Selected Timesheet button to approve the shifts.

You can select the timesheets that you want to approve by clicking on the check box under the Approved column. Once you selected the timesheets, click on the approve button to select the timesheets.

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Updating the Shift Time and Travel

When approving the Employee's Timesheet, you can update the shift time, shift km's and travel time. You can click on the dropdown for each column to show the option in updating the time and travel.


Update Shift Time: You can use this column to update the shift time of the employee

a. Yes - If you selected yes, the login hours of the employee will be selected and will be used to pay the employee

b. No - Selecting this option will use the time of the shift.

c. Reset - Selecting this option will use the shift time and it will remove the login time of the employee.

Update Shift Km's: If the employee has a shift Km's, you can use this column to add kms for the shift of the employee.

a. Yes - Selecting the Yes option will add the KM to the shift of the employee.

b. No - This will disregard the shift KM of the employee.

Update Travel Time: You can update the employee's shift's travel time. It is the same with Shift Km's but this option is for the shift's travel time.

a. Yes - Selecting this option will update the shift's travel time.

b. No - This will regard the travel time of the employee.

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Checking the Approved Shifts

You can check the approved shift details on this page. The approved shifts are highlighted in green and it includes the shift details created by the employee using the Brevity Mobile App.

If the notes for the service schedule is long, you cannot see the signature of the client.

If the note for the service schedule is short, you can see the signature of the client.

  1. Service Schedule Time: This is the time and duration of the service schedule.
  2. Login Time: This is the Login time of the Employee for the Shift.
  3. Service Type: This is the service type that has been given by the employee to the client
  4. Client's Name: The name of the client that the employee has given a service.
  5. Client's Funding: This indicates what is the client's funding that has been used for the service schedule.
  6. Location: This is the exact location of the employee when starting and ending the shift. This also shows the duration of the travel time of the employee. You can click on the location icon to check the exact location of the employee's time in. Brevity will open google maps to show the exact location of the employee. 
  7. Rating: This is the rate of the client for the given service.
  8. Shift Notes: This is the note that the employee has filed using the Brevity mobile app.
  9. Signature: The signature of the client confirming that the shift has been done.

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Query Timesheet

One of the function from the Employee's Timesheet is the Query Timesheet. You can leave a note on the Completed timesheet of the employee and you cannot use this function for other shifts with different status (scheduled, pending). You can create a note by clicking on the completed timesheet of the employee and then clicking on the Query Timesheet button.

A pop up will appear wherein you can enter the notes for the shift. Fill in the note for the shift and then click on the OK button to confirm.

After creating a note, you will see the red question mark on the top of the shift. This indicates that the shift has a note.

You can view the note for the shift if you move your mouse over the shift. 

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