Navigating the Bulk Email notification form

Navigating the Bulk Email notification form

This page navigates you through the Bulk Email notification form.




The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Bulk Email Notification form, the following fields are applicable for both email notifications to the client or employee:

  • Email Template: This is a drop down field that lists existing email template that are available for use. To create a new email template refer to the topic communication template guide.

  • From: This is a drop down field that lists the name of the sender of the email. The name listed will default to login details of the user with the active Brevity session.

  • Email Body: This is the message listed within the email body that you will send to either your employee(s) or client(s).

  • Report From Date: This field is used to list the first day covered by the report that Brevity will generate. The date can be input free text or selected from the calendar picker. This field is not visible if GENERAL EMAIL has been selected from the Report field.

  • Report To Date: This field is used to list the last day covered by the report that Brevity will generate. The date can be input free text or selected from the calendar picker. This field is not visible if GENERAL EMAIL has been selected from the Report field.

  • Report: This is a drop down field lists the type of report that you will send to either your employee(s) or client(s). Brevity will generate the report and attach it to your email.

  • Save Template changes: This button is used to save changes that have been made to the selected email template, so that they can be available for use again.

  • Subject: This field is used to specify the text that will appear on the Subject Line of the email.

  • Email Group: This is a drop down field displayed where the report type is GENERAL EMAIL. This field provides a listing of communication groups established through the Bulk Communication Groups function.

  • Recipient list: This data grid lists either the client(s) or employee(s) that can receive email. This grid is created from the action of selecting the preview button. Data listed within the grid includes recipient name, email address and view link to review the report information that is relevant to the recipient.

    Recipients without a valid email address will be marked with the icon opposite their name


  • Send: Selecting this button will send the report to the selected recipients.

  • Preview: Selecting this button creates the data grid listing either the client(s) or employee(s) that can receive the email.

  • Add Documents: Selecting this button enabled the attachment of document attachments to the email.

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