Creating a Goal Template Record

Creating a Goal Template Record

This page guides you through the creation of Goal Template records.


To create a goal template record, observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Administration> 11. Goal Template sub-menu to open the Goal List page.

  2. Click the button to open a blank Goal Templates record page.


  3. Within the name field input a description of the goal template.

  4. Click the SAVE button to create the goal template record. This will enable the Goal Tasks record grid.

  5. To assign a task to the goal click the button located above the Goal tasks data grid to open the New Goal Task record page. Within the name field input a description of the goal task. Click the SAVE button to create the goal template record, followed by clicking the the CLOSE button to exit the page and return to the Goal Template page. Goal Tasks data grid updated. Repeat this step for additional goal tasks.

  6. Click the CLOSE button to exit the page and return to the Goal List page.

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