Registering HCP Service Invoices through Schedule Board

This page provides the user with an overview on the registration of provider invoices through the schedule board.

These are the topics on this page:




If the HCP provider elects not to process a provider invoice through the HCP Invoice Import interface, either due to the quality of the invoice or the absence of a Purchase Order, there is the option of the invoice being registered as a Purchase through the schedule board.

It is important to observe that an EXPENSE Service type is registered to the HCP clients funding and that the purchase date is within a valid funding range.


Registering a Service Provider Invoice

To register a service provider invoice through the schedule board observe the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedule Board.

  2. Select the client view and search for the HCP Participant.

  3. Set the date within the schedule board that corresponds with the date of the service invoice.

  4. Within the Date panel position your cursor to the top left of panel to display the Add Shift to display the Add Shift dialogue.

  5. Within the Date field input the date of the provider invoice.

  6. Within the Service field select the appropriate expense service type from the drop down list. This will enable the provider, PO, Qty, Amount and GST fields.

  7. Within the Provider field select the applicable provider name associated with the invoice

  8. Input the Quantity as listed on the invoice.

  9. Input the Invoice Amount.

  10. Input any applicable GST.

  11. Within the activity field input the invoice purpose.

  12. Optionally within the comments field provide additional information regarding the nature and purpose of the invoice.

  13. Click the Add Shift button to generate the PURCHASE service.

  14. Click the COMPLETED SHIFT icon located to the bottom right of the schedule board.




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