Support Worker Community Messages
This page guides the Support Worker in how they can participate in messaging with the communities to which they are assigned.
These are the topics on this page
The Feeds tab within the Brevity Care mobile application enables clients to check and respond to one or more Community messages across either an individual or multiple number of communities via their mobile device that the support worker is a member off. Community messaging allows the support worker to participate in chat within the group. Messages sent will be displayed to all members within that community.
The community message page allows you to edit and delete your own messages not the messages of other participants within the chat.
Participating in Community Messaging
To review community messages and to participate in chat observe the following steps:
Access the Brevity Care mobile app using your support worker login credentials.
Tap the Feed tab in the bottom navigation bar.
Click on the message tab to be presented with a list of all communities that you are a member of
Tap on the community to check the chat specific to that particular community.
To participate in the chat thread, input the particulars of your comments in the comment field and click the icon to add the comment into chat. Sent message can be edited and deleted by clicking the links associated with that particular message.
To reply to message use the reply button and refer to step 5.
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