Mail merge is a functionality in Brevity where it will let you get the details from the table. If you need to get multiple information from the table, it is better to use the mail merge rather than creating a report since there is a limit for the column that you could use in the report. Another advantage of using the mail merge is that it will let you create your own incident template and insert the fields from the incident record.
Creating a Mail Merge
You could create the Incident mail merge template by going to care management from the main menu and then clicking on accidents / incidents / complaints from the sub menu.
Once you are on the list of incident records, click on the mail merge from the upper right side of the page.
This will open the mail merge section for the incident report. You could download the template by clicking on download template on the upper left side of the mail merge section
You could also try to download the template by clicking on the attachment below
Once you have downloaded the template, you could follow the guide Brevity Mail Merge on how you could generate the template for the Incident report
Uploading the Template
Once you have create the mail merge, you need to upload it to Incident Mail merge section. Click on the Upload file to upload the incident mail merge template that you have created. You could also drag the template within the dotted box to upload the template.
If the upload is successful, you will see the incident template from the Incident Mail Merge
You could use the default Brevity Incident mail merge and upload it to the incident mail merge. Click on the file below to download the default Brevity Mail Merge.
You could only use the name of the template once. If you upload a template with the same name, Brevity will not upload the template.
Generating the Incident Document
You could generate the incident document by doing the following steps. Take note that the mail merge section should be open while doing these steps
Click on the incident record that you want to get the information.
Once you have selected the mail merge record, click on the 3 dots on the upper right of the mail merge template.
This will open the option for the mail merge template. Click on Mail merge to generate the mail merge.
It will download the document to your computer. You could either save this or open the file. The file format that Brevity will download will always be in excel file. If you wanted the document to be saved to pdf, you need to use a 3rd party program to convert the word document to pdf.