The first screen is shown when you log in to the system, and provides a real-time business event snapshot, to take timely action, or to measure and develop analytics for business reporting. Users can have different dashboards based on their user role. (The Dashboard can be customized and changed)
Dashboard Sections
Quotes: Provides timely reminders of leads that need following up with
Service Schedule Chart: Provides a snapshot of recent shifts with their status
Payroll/Invoicing Tiles: Allows you to easily identify shifts with missing timesheets, timesheets that still need to be approved, shifts that haven't been invoiced, and invoiced that haven't been marked as paid or cancelled
Client Funding: Allows you to see plans that are ending, have a low budget, or are coming up for a plan review
Alerts: Provide reminders of things that need to be followed up on such as police checks or drivers licenses for employees
Leave: Displays a list of employee leave requests that are awaiting approval
Incidents: Displays an overview of all open incidents with their status