This page guides you through the Provider bulk email notifications process.
These are the topics on this page:
Accessing the Bulk Email Notification screen
Additional Information
Navigating the Bulk Email Notification screen
Sending a Provider Bulk Email Notification
Accessing the Bulk Email notifications
The Provider Bulk Email Notification page is accessed from the Case Management >Provider Bulk Email menu. This Notification page allows for the plan manager to email out to their providers either reports, whether these be custom or general or bulk email communications with relevant attachments to the acknowledged recipients.
Additional Information
For additional information related with editing the body email refer to the Communication Template topic. For information on the registering of audit records for the email transaction refer to the provider topic.
Navigating the Bulk Email notification screen
Sending a Provider Bulk Email Notification
To undertake a Provider Bulk Email Notification observe the following steps:
Select the Employee>Bulk Email notifications menu option to open the Bulk Email notification page.
Within the Email Template field select from the drop down list the required template that will be used as the basis of your communication with your employees.
Within the Reported From Date field, input in free text or select from the date picker the start date of the reporting period.
Within the From field either accept the default login name that has been listed, or position your cursor in the field , clear the results and search for alternate user name.
Within the Report field select the report that will be used.
Please note that selecting the GENERAL EMAIL option from the list will (1) hide the reporting date range fields and (2) allow for you to add attachments to the bulk email
Within the Reported To Date field input in free text or select from the date picker the end date of the reporting period.
With the subject field input the purpose of the email.
Select the PREVIEW button from the ribbon bar to display a list of all the employee's that you can send an email to. Either Individually select the employee records or select all.
Click on the send email to send the email to the selected recipients.
You can see an icon from the checkbox to check if the email has been successfully sent or failed.
Green checkbox means that the email is sent successfully
Red X icon means that the email failed to send