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This page provides the user with an overview of the HCP Package Management dashboard.

These are the topics on this page:

Table of Contents


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The HCP Management Package form is essentially a dashboard configured to bring together the various product features necessary to manage HCP Fees, Contributions, End of Month reporting and Package funding setup.

Navigating the HCP Package Management Dashboard


titleClick to expand and preview the HCP Package Management dashboard:

The following is an outline of the objects that comprise the HCP Package Management


  • Client Contributions: This tile provides access to the Client Contributions page. This page allows the HCP manager to set the payment amounts received for the month and to download paid invoices to a debtor file for the dispersal of funds to providers for services delivered.

  • Package and Care Management Fees: This tile provides access to the Invoice HCP Fees page,from where the HCP manager can selected the invoices to be claimed.

  • Manage Monthly Actuals: This tile provides access to the Manage Monthly Accruals page, into which the HCP manager can enter changed subsidies, contributions or fees.

  • Download Claim File: This tile allows the HCP manager to down HCP claim file.

  • Upload MAC Statement: This tile allows the HCP manager to upload the HCP Payment Statement.

  • Client Email Statement: This tile provides the HCP manager with access to the Client Email Statements form, which is used to dispatch statements out to those HCP clients that have a valid email address.

  • Client Print Statements: This tile provides the HCP manager with access to the Client Print Statements form, which is used to send statements to print for those HCP clients that have a preference to receipt statement by mail.

  • HCP Funding Sources: This tile provides the HCP manager with access to the HCP funding source records.