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Communication Templates within brevity are managed through the Communication Template List which is accessed through the Administration>9.Communication Templates sub-menu.

The Communication Template is a feature that allows you to create and maintain templates applicable with Email, SMS, Phone Call, Task, Meeting communications and Bulk client and Employee email and SMS communications.

Communication Templates can be assigned to and accessed from the User, Client, Service Schedule, Lead and External Provider records. Before adding a Communication Template, you must ensure that you have checked the "Table ID" that will be associated with the communication template that is being created. If you input the wrong table id , the communication template that has been created will not show on the nominated record type. 


navigates you through the communication template form.

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titleClick to expand and review information related with the fields that comprise the communication template:

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Communication Template form:

  1. Name: This is a text field used to identify the Communication Template with a name that will be referenced from the Template screen.

  2. Type: This is a drop down field listing the communication types. Values include Email, SMS, Meeting, Task and Phone Call.

  3. Table ID: This is a drop down field listing the applicable record types against which the Communication Template can be assigned. Values include User, Client, Supplier Remittance, Service Schedule, Lead and External Provider.

  4. Template Text: This is a text field that will lists both static text and merge fields selected from the Columns field. The text will be reflected in the communication body/message.

  5. Columns: This is a drop down field listing the columns applicable with the table selected in the Table ID field.

  6. Tag: Reflects the column with leading/trailing %


For additional information on the use of communication templates refer to the following topics:

To create a Communication Template observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Administration>Communication Template menu option.

  2. From the Communication Template List, click on the (plus) New Button to open a new communication Templates record page within the browser.

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  3. Within the name field input a name that will identify the template when it is being selected for use.

  4. Within the type field select the communication type from the drop down list that will be associated with the Template.

  5. Within the Table id field select the applicable record from the drop down list that will be associated with the Template.

    To be noted that the record selected determines the fields available within the Merge Field as well as the Brevity record from where the communication template can be accessed from.

  6. Define the structure of the template text utilising both static text and merge fields selected from the Merge field drop down list.

    Key in your static text, position your cursor within the template text field and select the merged field from the columns field that will be included into the template followed by selecting the Add button to transfer the column into the template text, as per the example below %name%.

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  7. Click on the Save button to create the communication template record.

  8. Select the Close button to exit back to the Communication Template list page.

Communication templates within Brevity can be edited either through the communication template or viz the Bulk SMS or Email notification interfaces.

To edit a Communication Template observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Administration>Communication Template menu option to present the Communication Template list page.

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  2. Highlight the Communication Template that is to be updated and either click on the edit button or double-click on the template to open it for editing.

  3. Edit the Information contained within the Communication Template.

  4. Select the save button to update the template with your changes.

  5. Select the Close button to exit back to the Communication Template list page.

To edit the content of the communication template used as the basis for the Bulk Email notification, input your modifications into the Email Body field and select the SAVE TEMPLATE CHANGES button to update the template. Once saved the amendments made will be available for future use.

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To edit the content of the communication template used as the basis for the Bulk SMS notification, input your amendments into the SMS Text field and select the SAVE TEMPLATE CHANGES button to update the template. Once saved the amendments made will be available for future use.


To delete a Communication Template observe the following steps, please note that once a template has been deleted it can not be recovered.


Select the Administration>Communication Template menu option to present the Communication Template list page.


Highlight the Communication Template that is to be deleted.


Select the "Delete Button" in the upper right portion of the window.



Select the OK button from the Delete Record pop-up screen, to remove the selected record. Record listing will refresh.


Communication templates within Brevity can be accessed either from the the Communications panel located on the User, Client, Service Schedule, Lead and External Provider record or through the Bulk email and SMS Notification interfaces.

Observe the following steps to access and select the Communication Template:


To Access the communication template retrieve the relevant record that the communication will be sent and recorded against.

Select the Communication icon from the ribbon bar to open the communication panel.



Select the communication method that the template is associated with.



Select the Templates icon, located upper right of the communication pane to open the Select Template screen.




Modify the content of the message.


Select the save button.


Select the Send button.

To set the communication template that will be used for a Bulk Email notifications to either the staff members or participants make the appropriate selection from the Email Template field. Selection of the required template will update the Email Body field with the content of the message.


To set the communication template that will be used for a Bulk SMS notifications to either the staff members or participants make the appropriate selection from the SMS Template field. Selection of the required template will update the SMS Text field with the content of the message.
