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Funding Source records within Brevity are accessed through the Administration>4.Funding sources menu. The funding source record within brevity is applicable to services that are either plan managed, cash funded, Self-funded or on an NDIS direct service arrangement. Each funding sources is associated to a funding program from where the clients funding is drawn which can be for example NDIA or Self fund.

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Navigating the Funding Source page

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titleClick and expand to review an outine of the fields that comprise the Funding Source form

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Funding Source form.

  • Code: This field is used to input code that will identify the funding source record from the funding source drop down list on the lead, client service, client funding, client invoice detail and employee shifts.

  • Full Name: This field is used to input a description of the name that will identify the funding source.

  • Funding Source Provider: This is a drop down field that lists the source of funding, examples can be NDIA or a self managed arrangement

  • Self Funded: This field is used to indicate if the funding source is self funded.

  • Registration number: This field is used to input the registration number of your organisation, if you have been approved as registered NDIS provider. Refer to the topic on NDIS Provider Requirements

  • Invoice Type: This is a drop down field that lists how client services will be reported when being invoiced, options are single invoice by client or invoice by line item by client.

  • Client Name in Invoice Number: This field is used to indicate if the client name is to be concatenated as part of the invoice number.

  • Include in Invoice Sync: This field is used to indicate if invoicing associated with the funding source will be sent out to your Xero, Reckon, Quickbooks or MYOB accounting package when synchronising invoice lines. This would be used if you are electing to exclude internal administrative services or billed services that will be invoiced out from brevity.

Navigating the Funding Source Code page

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titleClick and expand to review an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Funding Source Provider form
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titleClick and expand to review an outine of the fields that comprise the Funding Source code form

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Funding Source code form.

  • Funding Source Provider: This field lists the provider source record that is listed within the Name field, under the Funding Source Provider details panel

  • Funding Source: This field lists the funding source code.

  • Group Service: This field is used to indicate record is group related.

  • Service Type: This field lists the service type as a description from the price guide that relates with the claim code record.

  • Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code that relates with the claim code record.

  • Has A/H Rates: This field is used to indicate if after hour rates apply on the claim code record, if the field value is Yes, ensure the Rate Code fields are updated with the same service type as listed within the code field of the Codes panel.

  • After Hours Rate Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code and description that relates with after hours services on the claim code record.

  • Saturday Rate Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code and description that relates with a Saturday services on the claim code record.

  • Saturday Rate AH Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code and description that relates with a Saturday services on the claim code record.

  • Sunday Rate Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code and description that relates with a Sunday services on the claim code record.

  • Sunday Rate AH Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code and description that relates with a Sunday services on the claim code record.

  • Public Holiday Rate Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code and description that relates with a Public Holiday services on the claim code record.

  • Public Holiday Rate AH Code: This field lists the service type from the price guide as a code and description that relates with a Public Holiday services on the claim code record.

for NDIS clients this will be NDIA.

Utilising the Funding Source

The funding source code within the Brevity application is utilised on the following records:

  • Lead record under the Client Funding Details panelQuotation record.

  • Client funding record under the Client Funding Details panel.

  • Plan Management record under the Plan Details panel.

  • Service Schedule record as a concatenated value within the client funding field under the Service Schedule details panel.

  • Funding Claim record as a concatenated value within the name field under the Batch details panel.

  • Invoice and Claim batch.

  • Invoice record for CORE supports as a concatenated value within the Invoice Batch field under the Invoice details panel

  • Plan Management invoice record as a concatenated value within the client plan field under the Plan Management Invoice details panel.

Registration Number

titleClick to open and review additional information on being a registered provider
For additional information on being a registered provider refer to the following topic Register and Unregistered providers.

Assigning the registration number against the funding source will allow for it to be reported into the NDIS Claim payment file.

Observe the following steps to update the Funding Source record with your registration number:

  1. Select the Administration>4.Funding Source menu option to open the Funding Source List page within the browser.

  2. Search for the Funding record from within the Funding Source list.

  3. Highlight the Funding Source record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Funding Source record to open it within the Funding Source page.

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  5. Input the registration number that was received from the NDIS.

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  6. Select the save button to update the record.

  7. Select the Close button to exit back to the Funding Source List page.

Creating a Funding Source record

To create a Funding Source record observe the following steps:

  • Select the Administration>4.Funding Source menu option to open the Funding Source List page within the browser.

  • Select the (plus) New button to open a Funding Source page.

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  • Within the code field input a value that will be used to identify the funding record from the fields within brevity that reference the or allow selection of the funding source.

  • Within the full name field input a value that will be used to describe the funding source record, the value input can be the same as value entered into the code field.

  • Within the Funding Source Provider field select from the drop down list the funding program related with the funding source.

    If you find that the required funding source provider is not listed then a new funding source provider record can be added by selecting :+: icon located at the bottom right of the list to open the New funding source provider Record page. Create and save the record. Close the record and refresh the value list.

    Image RemovedRefer to the separate topic on creating a Funding Source Provider record.
  • Within the Self funded field set the field value to either Yes or No.

  • Within the Registration number, if you are a registered provider, input the NDIS provider registration number, or otherwise leave the field blank.

  • Under the Invoicing Options panel you can either accept and save the defaults or make the appropriate changes.

  • Select the save button to create the record.

  • Select the Close button to exit back to the Funding Source List page.

  • Edit a Funding Source record

    To edit a Funding Source record observe the following steps:

    1. Select the Administration>4.Funding Source menu option to open the Funding Source List page within the browser.

    2. Search for the Funding Source record from within the Funding Source list.

    3. Highlight the Funding Source record to be edited.

    4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Funding Source record to open it within the Funding Source page.

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    5. Edit the Funding Source record

      update the Registration number as per the related topic
      Update the Invoice values listed under the Invoicing Options panel
      Update the value listed within the Funding Source Provider, or the creation of a new funding provider as per the related topic.

    6. Select the save button to update the record.

    7. Select the Close button to exit back to the Funding Source List page.

    Delete a Funding Source record

    Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation.Only delete a funding source record that has not already been utilised.

    To delete a Funding Source record observe the following steps:

    1. Select the Administration>4.Funding Source menu option to open the Funding Source List page within the browser.

    2. Search for the Funding Source record from within the Funding Source list..

    3. Highlight the Funding Source record to be deleted.

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    4. Select the "Delete Button" in the upper right portion of the window.

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    5. Select the OK button to confirm the deletion of the selected record. Record listing will refresh.

      Funding Source field will list the field value as follows

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    Adjust the activity status of a Funding Source record

    To edit the activity status of a Funding Source record observe the following steps:

    1. Observe the steps 1-4 as outlined under Edit the Funding Source record.

    2. To deactivate the Funding Source record select the Deactivate button . Deactivating the record will set it to read-only.

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    Record will not be available from the Funding Source field.
    Funding Source field will list the field value as follows
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    1. To activate the Funding Source record select the Activate button.

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    2. Once done, you can exit back to the Funding Source List.

    Create a Funding Source Provider record

    To create Funding Source Provider record and associated claim codes observe the following steps:

    1. Observe the steps 1-4 as outlined under Edit the Funding Source record.

    2. Within the Funding Source Provider field select the (plus) Create New Record icon from the drop down list to open the New funding source provider record.

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    3. Within the name field input a value that will be used to describe the funding source provider record.

    4. Select the Save button to create the provider record. The Claim Codes panel will open to allow for claim code records to be assigned to the provider profile.

    5. To allocate your claim codes select the (plus) Add new record icon to open the New Funding Source Code record page within the browser.

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    6. Within the funding source field select from the drop down list the funding code that as reflected within the code field of the funding source record.

    7. Within the Group Service field indicate Yes or No as to whether the claim code record relates with a group service.

    8. Within the Service Type field select from the drop down list the relevant service type.

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    9. Within the Code field select from the drop down list the service type, this value will match within the service type assigned into the Service Type field.

    10. Within the Has A/H Rates field indicate Yes or No as to whether the claim code record will observe after hours, weekend and public rates.

      If you set this field to No, the after hours, weekend and public holidays fields will be hidden.
      If you set this field to Yes you will need to ensure that after hours, public holidays and weekend field have been updated with the relevant service types, the service type specified will match with the service type listed in the code field.

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    11. Select the save button to create the Funding Source Code record.

    12. Select the Close button to return to the Funding Source Provider record. The Claim Codes data grid will list the Funding Source Code that was created.

    13. Select the Close button to return to the Funding Source record.

    Edit the Funding Source Provider record

    To edit Funding Source Provider and associated claim code record observe the following steps:

  • Observe the steps 1-4 as outlined under Edit the Funding Source record.

  • Within the Funding Source Provider field select the Edit Selected Record icon from the drop down list to open the funding source provider record within the name of the funding provider listed.

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  • To undertake edits

    On the funding provider record the Name field can be updated.
    With respect to the claim code record, you can either update an existing claim code record, Delete a claim code, or create additional claim code records.

    To edit the claim code record, highlight and double click the claim code to open the record into the Edit Funding Source Code record, update the record with your changes, save and exit.
    To create an new claim code record observe the steps 5-12 as listed under the topic Create a Funding Source Provider record
    To delete a claim code record, highlight the record, select the Delete Record icon, select OK on the pop-up screen to acknowledge deletion of the record.

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    For additional information on being a registered provider refer to the following topic