Info |
Publish the Client's Funding so you can use it in creating the service schedule of the Client. |
Funding Breakdown
The funding breakdown is a feature in Client's funding that will show you the previous rate that the client had. Click on the previous records under the funding breakdown to see the previous daily rate of the client.
Customization of HCP Funding
You could customize the fields that you want to show from the HCP funding. You could do this by going to administration from main menu and then clicking on funding sources from sub menu.
Once you are on the funding sources list, double click on the HCP funding that you wanted to customize.
Once you are on the HCP Page, there are several fields that you could use to customize your HCP funding page.
Funding Source Details
Code: This is the code for the HCP Funding. The code will be shown if you are selecting the client's funding source.
Full Name: This is the full name of the HCP Funding.
Funding Source Provider: This is the main Funding Source Provider. Usually this is set to NDIA
Self Funded: This is the section that will let you set the funding claiming. No will be for NDIS and Yes will be for the plan manager / external provider.
Type: This is how you will manage your HCP Funding
Registration Number: This is your organisation's registration number.
Daily Rate: The total amount of funding received per day
Invoicing Options
Invoice Type: You could either set this to single invoice or by line item. Single invoice means that all the different line item code will be set to a single invoice. By Line item means that Brevity will create a separate invoice per line item code.
Client Name in Invoice Number: If you set this to yes, it will include the client's name from the invoice number
Include in Invoice Sync: Setting this to yes will include the funding to sync with your 3rd party accounting software.
The breakdown section is the section where you could set the fields that you will see from the HCP Funding. You could add or remove the fields if you don't want them to be seen in the HCP Funding.
Clicking on the chain icon will add the fields to the HCP funding page. Clicking on the unlink icon will remove the field from the HCP Funding Page.
Daily Rates
Daily Rates is a section where you could set the client's Daily Rates. You could add the Daily Rates from this page by clicking on the + sign and delete the record from the list by clicking on the trash icon. The daily rate is the total amount that the client is receiving per day.
Adding a Daily Rate
If you click on the + sign, it will add the daily rate changes and open the daily rate page. Fill in the details for the new daily rate and then click on the save button on the upper left.
Once you have added a daily rate, it will list all the client that has that HCP funding. You could edit the price by clicking on the box on the left side of the client's name. It will show the previous daily rate from the table and you could change the government contribution and the consumer contribution of the client.