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This step-by-step guide will help you get started managing your first NDIS client within Brevity. This guide assumes that you have already entered your employee information into the system. 

This guide will cover the following:

  1. Setting up the client goals that will be reported on as part of the service delivery reporting
  2. Setting up the client funding to reflect your service agreement with the client
  3. Setting up a service template to manage ongoing services based on client care plan
  4. Managing the roster from week-to-week
  5. Managing service delivery and reporting
  6. Generating NDIS bulk claims

Before starting it is important to understand the data recording requirements for each of the Support Categories under NDIS. Brevity will help you meet all of these data recording and reporting requirements. It simplifies and reduces the administrative burden so you can concentrate on what is important - providing the best level of care to your clients. 

For all core supports (excluding complex supports), these are episodic (recurring weekly or fortnightly) and will be adequately evidenced through the service agreement and roster or timesheet log. It will be important to record within the service agreement the duration, ratios (staff to client) and cost of each service. For every service delivered under core supports you will need to document, as appropriate, staff to participant ratios, support worker timesheets, group rosters, and case notes detailing activities and skill building.

For capacity building (and complex core supports), you will also need to also adequately evidence service within the service agreement as noted above. These types of supports (as well as assistance with social and community participation) will typically require both a log or roster and a case note as evidence of quantity and type. Where the delivery of these supports results in the delivery of a report or assessment to the participant, additional documentation may not be required if the participant name and NDIS number, date(s), times and quantity of the support type are documented within the final report/assessment.

For capital support (as well as consumables), these should be invoiced to the participant. Invoices with the participant’s name, NDIS number and the date of delivery may not require additional evidence of quantity or support type. You should generate these from within your accounting system.

For coordination of supports delivered to a participant in conjunction with any other support delivery the provider must retain documentation of the following:

  • organisational arrangements in place to keep information separate between teams
  • a participant’s options for their coordination of supports
  • documentation that there is no remuneration provided to staff for participant volume
titlePlease Note: you will need to renegotiate the service agreement if there are any pricing or service delivery changes required while you have an active service agreement with a client.

Proceed to Step 1