- Availability Field: This field will indicate who are the employees that work today or who are available
- Job Type: You can select the specific job type of employees.
- Type: You can specify if the employee is an employee, contractor or volunteer.
- Service Date: You can specify the date of the service schedule
- Qualification: You can specify the needed qualification of the employee. You can add another qualification under administration then qualification (see Employee's Qualification)
- Employee Name: You can search for the specific employee
- Car Insurance: Using this will list all the employees that do have or does not have a car insurance.
- Gender: Using this field will search for employees with that gender
- Smoker: List all the employees that are smokers or not.
It will display all the list of employee from the table.
- The top tab indicates the time for the day.
- The left side list all the employees that matches the search fields.
- The blue bar indicates that the employee has a shift from the time period.
If you move your mouse over the blue bar, it will show the details of the shift. The detail will show the name of the client, service type of the schedule and the date of the service schedule.