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This section allows you view the services of the client for a specific date(s) and print the schedule. To go to this page, click on employees then click on service calendar.

Image Modified

You can check the service calendar of the client by using the drop-down menu.

 Image Modified

  1. Client drop-down: Select the name of the client to display their service schedule. You need to select a client because if you don't select a client, the calendar will show nothing.
  2. Employee drop-down: You can select the employee working for the client you selected from client drop-down. If you are not sure of the employee working with the client, you can leave this blank by choosing select employee.
  3. Status drop-down: This drop-down is a list of all status of the service schedule. If you select a status, it will display all the service schedule with that status. If you want to display all the service schedule regardless of their status, select "select all"
  4. Date: This will specify the date(s) of the service schedule. You need to specify the date of the service schedule. 


These are the topics on this page:

Table of Contents

Status color coding

The calendar will display the list of schedule for the client. You will notice that each service schedule has a different color background. The background color indicates the status of the service schedule. The status color coding that can be found under the drop-down shows what is the status of the service schedule.

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Printing the Calendar

Click on the print button to print the calendar. It will open the print dialog so you can change the settings of the printer.

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