You can search for the available employee by using the search field and setting the conditions for the employee. Click search to search for employee that has that conditions. Once the condition is met, it will list all the available employee.
- Availability Field: This field will indicate who are the employees that works today or who are available
- Job Type: You can select the specific job type of the employees.
- Type: You can specify if the employee is an employee, contractor or volunteer.
- Service Date: You can specify the date of the service schedule
- Qualification: You can specify the needed qualification of the employee. You can add another qualification under administration then qualification (see Adding Qualifications for Employees)
- Employee Name: You can search for the specific employee
- Car Insurance: Using this will list all the employees that does have or does not have a car insurance.
- Gender: Using this field will search for employees with that gender
- Smoker: List all the employees that are smoker or not.