Save: This button will save changes made to the Invoice record page.
Close: This button will exit you from the Invoice record page.
Print Invoices: This button will open the Print Invoices page, from where you can print the invoice to file in pdf format.
Notes: This button will open the notes panel, where notes can be assigned to the invoice record.
To assign a note to click the
icon to open the notes panel. Select the
button to open the note input fields. Input details of the note Name and Description. Click the
button to save the note against the invoice.
Delete: This button will delete the invoice and invoice detail. Where this happens a new invoice will need to be raised for the clients scheduled services.
Name: This field is used to identify the invoice with a unique reference, based upon the Client ID and either the Invoice Batch ID or Funding Claim ID.
Date: This field is used to identify the date of the invoice record.
Invoice Batch: This field lists a batch reference that is comprised of the funding source and the batch reporting range.
Client: This field lists the client to which the invoice relates.
Account: This is drop down field that lists your service providers. If the participants funding recording has been assigned a service provider within the Invoice To field, then the particulars of that provider will be presented within this field, otherwise this field shall be blank.
For the migration of participant invoices through to Plan Management for approval, you will need to ensure that provider has been listed to this field. Provider values can either be input in free text or selected from the drop down list.
Brokerage Number: This field is blank.
Comments: This field is used to specify a brief narration related with invoice processing or payment instructions or additional information as to the nature of the invoice.
Sub Total: This field is used to identify invoice amount prior to tax.
Tax: This field is used to identify the $ value of tax on the invoice.
Total Amount: This field is used identify the total amount invoiced, inclusive of tax.
Status: This is a drop down field that lists invoice statuses. The status types available include awaiting payment, invalidated, cancelled, paid and rejected. This status is also set when processing the remittance file.
Emailed: This field indicates if the invoice has been emailed to the participant via the Send Email interface.
Amount Paid: This field identifies the amount received in relation to the invoice. The amount paid assists in reconciling against the invoiced amount to determine partial payments. This amount paid is also set when processing the remittance file.
Payment Reference: This field will identify a payment reference either input manually based upon information contained within a bank statement or updated with a reference to the payment line when processing the remittance file.
Invoice Details data grid: This grid identifies a summary of the service delivered to the participant that comprise the invoice. The Invoice details data grid comprises the columns of
Name (this reflects the client ID and full name).
Name of the client that received the invoiced support/service.
Total Invoice hours.
Invoice Amount.