Existing Client: This field identifies whether the Quotation will be for an existing participant. To associate quote with an existing client select Yes, which will (1) disable the name and address fields under the Lead Details and Address panels and (2) make visible the client field.
First Name: This field is used to either input the given name of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
Last Name: This field is used to either input the surname of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
Date of birth: This field is used to list the date of birth of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Email Address: This field is used to either input the email address of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
Phone: This field is used to either input the primary contact phone number of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
Representative Name: This field is used to input the name of a representative or guardian.
Branch: This is a drop down field that lists the branch records maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the lead record.
Address: This field is used to either input the street address of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
Suburb: This field is used to either input the suburb of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
State: This field is used to either input the state of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
Postcode: This field is used to either input the postcode of the participant or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity. This field is disabled when an existing client record is utilised.
Funding Source: This is a drop down field that lists the funding sources maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the lead record.
NDIS Number: This field is used to either input the participants ndis number or to reflect what is retained against an existing participant record held within brevity.
Pricelist: This is a drop down field that lists the price lists maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the lead record.
Total Hours: This a read only field that will list the number of service hours calculated within the agreement period set through the service record.
Total Amount: This a read only field that will list the budget calculated on the services being delivered within the agreement period set through the service record.
Approval Stage: This is a drop down field that lists the processing stage of the lead based upon the status assigned to the lead. The status types include Quote Acceptance, Service Agreement Acceptance, Service Agreement Signed, Quote Rejected and Service Agreement Rejected.
Follow up Date: This field is used to specify a follow up date once the service agreement has been generated. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Create Copy: This button is used create a copy of a selected lead record

Proposal: This button provides you with access to the service agreement and care plan plan page.
Convert to Client: This button will become visible if the status has been set to Service Agreement Signed. To convert a lead will need to ensure that a service record exists, otherwise the process will not be initiated.
Save: This button saves a new record to the database as well as save any updates that have been made to an existing record.
Close: This button shuts down the current page and returns you to the Lead List Page.
Services: This panel lists the services that have been prepared under the quote. Information contained within the datagrid includes the service name the period of the service (from date and to date) and the budget associated with that service.
Client: This is a drop down field that lists the active participants held within the client table that can be assigned to the lead record. Address and contact information will be brought through from the client table for the selected participant. This field is hidden by default, to make visible set the existing client field to ‘yes’.