The services profile, lists the individual HCP services being delivered under the participants HCP agreement, in-accordance with their HCP Level and associated budget. HCP services can be identified to delivery across public holidays, weekends or after hours.
The statement balance profile lists subject the activity status of the HCP Funding profile up to a total of 35 monthly funding breakdowns. Monthly balance records commence from the start date of the HCP funding period, and include details of the HCP funding profile, no of days and commencement date of past and future contribution periods, Monthly contributions, Balance held by Services Australia and balance transferred, subsidy and fee totals.
The clients HCP funding records can be created either asusing any of the following methods:
Part of the conversion of a new business quote into the HCP client record within the client module.
Through Creating a new HCP client funding profile through the Client funding screen accessed from the Client>Client Client> Client Funding menu.
Direct off the Creating a new HCP client record funding profile through the client funding data grid which is located on the HCP client record.Direct off
the Creating a new HCP client record through funding profile by clicking the client funding tile located within the left vertical menu which is located on the HCP client record.
Creating a copy of an existing HCP client funding profile, although this action is not necessary due to HCP funding agreements being open ended.
Creating a new HCP client funding profile .From when the client changes to a new HCP Level.
Creating a new HCP client funding profile from the client panel within the schedule board, by selecting the client funding icon.