Title: This is a drop down field that lists the professional and courtesy titles (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms) that can be identified to the client .
Last Name: This field is used to input the clients surname.
First Name: This field is used to input the clients given name.
Preferred Name: This field is used to input the clients preferred name, example first name, legal alias or nickname
Gender: This is a drop down field that lists the Gender (Male, female) that the client identifies with, and additional preferred gender types can be assigned if required.
NDIS number: This field is used to input the clients NDIS number.
PM Require Approval: This field identifies whether the PM requires approval when processing invoices.
PM Notifications: This identifies whether the participant is to receive plan budget notifications.
Statement Preference: This field identifies the participants preferred method for receipt of funding statements
Condition : This is a drop down field that lists the clients condition that they are receiving support and services for .
Condition Description: This field is used to input a detailed narrative of the clients condition.
General Notes: This field is used to input a detailed narrative of general comments and miscellaneous information that are not related with the various domains of care. It can include such things as likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, preferences and how the in interaction with the client should be managed.
Date of Birth: This field is used to list the clients date of birth. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Age: This is a view only field. The value reflected based upon the input within the Date of Birth field.
Preferred Language: This is a drop down field that lists the preferred language spoken by the client.
Program: This is drop down down field that lists the funding sources.
Entry Date: This field is used to list the date the client came onto service with the organisation. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker
Exit Date: This field is used to list the date the client terminated their service with the organisation. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Alert Notifications: This field is used to input a narrative of OHS and Risk and client well-being alerts.
LGA: This is drop down down field that lists Local Government Area codes
Address 1: This field is used to input the first line of the clients address.
Address 2: This field is used to input the second line , if applicable of the clients address.
Suburb: This field is used to input the suburb associated with the clients address.
State: This field is used to input the state associated with the clients address.
Post Code: This field is used to input the postcode associated with the clients address.
Invoice Approval Email: This field is used to input the preferred email address for invoicing.
Email: This field is used to input the clients email address
Home Phone: This field is used to input the clients home phone number.
Mobile Phone: This field is used to input the clients mobile number.
Work Phone: This field is used to input the clients work phone number.
Fax: This field is used to input a fax number.