The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Service Schedule Employee list page:
Employee name: This label identifies the employee with the service schedule.
Save: This button is used to update the service schedule will changes.
Calc Travel: This button clears the the information listed within the Travel From Address and Travel To Address fields.
Deactivate: This button is used to adjust the activity status of the service schedule employee record.
Notes: This button provides access to the notes function. Notes can be retained against the service profile thereby tracking actions and communications
Service Schedule: This is a drop down down field that by default lists the particulars of the client service that the employee was rostered to. The information listed includes the client/group name, service type and date of service
Employee: This is a drop down down field that by default lists the name of the employee rostered to the service. The value listed within this field SHOULD NOT be altered.
Service total: This field lists the rostered employees service charge based upon the employee base rate * service duration.
Expense total: This field is not used.
Total Amount: This field lists the Service total.
Confirmed: This field is not used validate the rostering of an employee to the client service
Completed: This field is not used confirm the client service has been completed either viz the Brevity Care mobile app or through the schedule board.
View timesheet: Two options present here depending upon the status of the timesheet record. In the absence of a timesheet record you will have the option of creating one based upon the details listed within the service schedule employee record. If a timesheet exists you can click the view link to review the timesheet record.
Override: Selecting this field will make visible the service override fields. You can override the base rate as well as the service start / end time(s).
Hourly Rate: This field is used to registered a revised base rate.
Override Start time: This field is used to registered a revised service start time.
Override End time: This field is used to registered a revised service end time.
Hours: This field is calculated automatically based upon the values listed within the override start and end time(s).
Calculated Travel From: This drop down field is used to specify the duration from where any travel time associated with the client service will be calculated from.
Pay Travel Mileage: This field is used to identify the payment of travel by distance. Setting ‘'yes‘' makes visible the following fields.

Charge mileage to Client: This is a drop down field that lists whether the client will be charged for any travel costs, and if so whether the time will be added to the service hour for billing or invoiced as a separate charge.
Mileage: This field is used to input the kilometers traveled.
Mileage Rate: This field is used to input the travel by kilometers rate.
Mileage Pay: This field reflects the calculated travel KM charge.
Pay Travel Time: This field is used to identify if travel will be calculated based upon travel time. Setting ‘'yes‘' makes visible the following fields.

Travel time (hours): This field is used to identify the number of hours traveled by the employee.
Travel Time Rate: This field is used to input the travel by hour rate.
Travel Time Pay: This field reflects the calculated travel time charge.
Travel From Address: This field will be blank unless travel is applicable with the client service. Where travel is payable this field will list the address from where the travel journey originated.
Travel To Address: This field will be blank unless travel is applicable with the client service. Where travel is payable this field will list the address at which the travel journey terminated.
Expenses: This feature is not used. Service expense are registered as line items on the service schedule.