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his page provides the support worker with an overview on tasks.

These are the topics on this page

  • Introduction

  • Acknowledging a task


The Task panel is accessed by selecting the (blue star) task icon, located in the top right of the dashboard. The panel lists all tasks that have been assigned to the support worker for information and action. The icon will list the number of active tasks that have not been reviewed and completed.

Acknowledging a task

To acknowledge that you have reviewed and actioned your assigned tasks observe the comments as provided below.

  • To acknowledge completion of a task that does not have any associated actions you will need to select the (blue star) radio button located on the individual task panel. This action will list the task under the completed section within the task panel.

  • For a task that has a number of actions associated with it you will need to click the (blue star) icon to expand the task panel, as you can see to the ➡ right for the medication error task. You will need to select one of more of the (blue star) radio button(s) to acknowledge completion of the action(s) listed against the task. Once all actions have been completed the task will be struck through and listed under the completed section within the task panel.