This page guides the Support Worker in how they can check the history of leave requests as well as submit new requests using the Brevity Care mobile app.
These are the topics on this page
The Brevity Care mobile app enables the support worker to apply for leave, to see a history of leave that has been approved and taken or not approved. Leave requested through the Brevity Care mobile app is subject to approval by your HR or administration team.
Checking Leave Status
Leave requests registered through the Brevity Care mobile app are identified with one of two statuses as follows. If a status is not listed against your request for leave this will mean that it is ‘Awaiting Approval’.
This icon will indicate that the request for leave has been approved.
This icon will indicate that the request for leave has been rejected
To check the status of a leave application through the Brevity Care mobile app observed as follows:
Login to the mobile app using Support worker’s credentials.
Select the leave tab listed within the bottom navigation panel.
Navigating the Leave panel
The following is a summary of the features that comprise the Leave panel and leave application page.
Navigation: Navigate to the leave section using bottom leave tab.
Search Leave: Search for a leave request by typing related text.
Leave Month: It displays the month name and year.
Leave Details: It displays the leave details which includes leave date, the number of days applied for within the leave period, leave type and leave description.
Leave type: It displays leave type.
Leave total: It displays total number of days applied for.
Open the Leave request: To open the leave request click on small arrow at rightmost side of the leave summary.
Request Leave: Click on the '+' Icon to request a leave.
Navigating the Leave page
The following is a summary of the features that comprise the Leave application page.
Calender: The calender is used to select either an individual day of leave if it relates with either a single/partial day of leave or a period of leave. For a period of leave greater than a day, firstly ensure the part day field has not been selected and secondly select the first and last day of leave to set the period, as shown below.
Leave type: This is a drop down field that lists the type of leave being requested.
Part day: This field is used to specify if the leave relates with a part day request. Selecting this field allows the from time and to time to be specified.
Time from: This field is used to specify the start time for the partial day leave request
Time to: This field is used to specify the end time for the partial day leave request
Duration: This field automatically calculates the total time covered by the partial day leave request
Comments: This field is used to specify additional information that will assist with regards to approving the leave request.
Request Leave
To register a leave request observe the following steps:
Click on the
button located at the bottom right of the leave tab
If your leave application is a part day request, select the checkbox.
Select the leave date or the leave period (specifiying the start and end dates to set the period) from the calendar.
Select leave type from the dropdown.
For a partial leave period input a value into the time from and Time to fields.
Enter the Comments.
Click Save to create the leave record and be returned to the leave panel.